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What is Cataract ?

A cataract develops once the lens in your eye, that is often clear, becomes foggy.

For your eye to check, lightweight passes through a transparent lens. The lens is behind your iris (colored a part of your eye). The lens focuses the sunshine so your brain and eye can work along to method info into an image.

When a cataract clouds over the lens, your eye can’t focus lightweight in the same method. This ends up in blurred vision or different vision loss (trouble seeing). Your vision modification depends on the cataract’s location and size.

Who Gets Cataracts?

Most people begin getting cataracts around age 40. however you almost certainly won’t notice symptoms until when age 60. Rarely, babies area unit born with cataracts because of a anomaly.

You’re a lot of probably to develop cataracts if you:

  • Smoke cigarettes.
  • Live in an area with dangerous pollution.
  • Use alcohol heavily.
  • Have a family history of cataracts.

What Causes Cataract?

The lens of your eye is usually water and proteins. As proteins break down over time, they loaf around in your eye. These lingering proteins can create your lens cloudy, therefore it’s hard to see clearly. This is often a typical — although unpleasant — a part of aging.

Some things can speed up the formation of cataracts, such as:

  • Diabetes.
  • Steroids, common medications to treat conditions like inflammatory disease and lupus.
  • Phenothiazine medicine like major tranquilizer , used to treat a spread of conditions like schizophrenic disorder and bipolar disorder.
  • Eye surgery or eye injuries.
  • Radiation treatment to your higher body.
  • Spending a lot of your time in the sun without eye protection, like eyeglasses.

What are symptoms of Cataract?

Cataracts are a common a part of the eye’s aging method. Eventually, they can cause:

  • Vision that’s cloudy, blurry, foggy or diaphanous.
  • Sensitivity to bright daylight, lamps or headlights.
  • Glare (seeing a halo around lights), particularly after you drive at night time with oncoming headlights.
  • Prescription changes in glasses, including sudden  myopia.
  • Double vision.
  • Need for brighter lightweight to read.
  • Difficulty seeing at night time (Night Blindness).
  • Changes in the way you see color.

Can Cataract be prevented?

Developing cataracts is a typical a part of aging. you'll take many steps to shield your eye health and slow the process:

  • Quit smoking.
  • Wear dark glasses and a hat with a brim to stay sun out of your eyes.
  • Get regular eye care. Have your eyes expanded once each 2 years after age 60. Surgery could also be easier if you get treated sooner.